Villagersonline : blogs : derek : Status
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From: derek
Date: Sat Oct 9 00:58:03 MST 2004 Subject: Status

eric: Bin Ladin (10/9/04)
keibru: not for a second (10/9/04)
clrclady: Black Ninjas (10/9/04)
benjipark: and then.... (10/10/04)
ryan: killer rabbit (10/12/04)
derek: My Rabbit (10/13/04)
derek: Back (10/18/04)
emily: epic drapes (10/18/04)
Responses (sorted by date)
emily: epic drapes (10/18/04)
derek: Back (10/18/04)
derek: My Rabbit (10/13/04)
ryan: killer rabbit (10/12/04)
benjipark: and then.... (10/10/04)
clrclady: Black Ninjas (10/9/04)
keibru: not for a second (10/9/04)
eric: Bin Ladin (10/9/04)
Alright, apparently I need to clarify my current status in the Village. I talked to Eric and found out there is some confusion. My official status is that I am a "member in theory."

Actually, I've been having some problems with my anxiety coming to church. The underground bunker of the Village is great but tends to bounce the noise. A lot. So, too much noise combined with many people in confined spaces has been hard to walk into.

Beyond this, I am actually doing pretty well. I'm working part-time at Teen Challenge again, slowly picking up more hours. The rest of the time I'm writing, painting, and reading as much as I can. It's a good thing, and its where I need to be.

So, yeah, I suck, and I need to show up at church. I will. My ADD meds are currently being played with, and my organization and concentration are slowly getting better. As it improves, I'll start showing up at church more. Meanwhile, I'm mostly okay.

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From: eric
Date: Sat Oct 9 09:25:43 MST 2004 Subject: Bin Ladin

Hey Derek,
I was just saying that there was some concern that a small faction of anti-village terrorists had kidnapped you. I had heard that you where hold-up in a small cave in the white mountains. So, when you walked thru the door yesterday . . . I was very happy to know that the terrorist had not succeeded.


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From: keibru
Date: Sat Oct 9 09:34:29 MST 2004 Subject: not for a second


Yes, I too heard the fraudulent innuendo, the misdirection, the scheming lies placed in our path. I was not fooled -- not for a second. I knew that it would take more than a *small* group of anti-village terrorists to pull off such a stunt.

Lock your doors and keep painting.

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From: clrclady
Date: Sat Oct 9 10:17:26 MST 2004 Subject: Black Ninjas

It was not terrorist; it was the Black Ninjas that attacked Derek and took him away. The Black Ninjas did it. Benji, you better be reading this.


We are all praying for you. Keep up with the writing and painting. And we do hope to see you soon.

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From: benjipark
Date: Sat Oct 9 23:07:59 MST 2004 Subject: and then....

I'm sure there must have been black helicopters and big dinosaurs also. Yep, thats how it be.

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From: ryan
Date: Tue Oct 12 15:33:24 MST 2004 Subject: killer rabbit

Whew! I was worried that Derek's killer rabbit got loose and had done the unspeakable.

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From: derek
Date: Wed Oct 13 10:12:19 MST 2004 Subject: My Rabbit

First of all, Johannes Climacus is my friend. He and Constantin the Karate Bear have slept with me for the majority of my life, protecting me and fighting off bad dreams.

Second of all, you would do well not to speak ill of him. He still resides near my bed, and his temper may still flare against those that would challenge him. The only reason he has avoided attacking you is because he understands my friendships with you. Otherwise, you, Benji, and Russ would be no more than blood dribbling from his chin. . . Do not press your luck. My stuffed animals are very dangerous if provoked.

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From: derek
Date: Mon Oct 18 13:08:43 MST 2004 Subject: Back

Yeah, I finally actually showed up on the radar on Sunday. It was good. It was really hard, but it was good. I spent most of the time staring at my table, drawing, trying to keep my focus on something other than the people and noise.

Afterwards, though, I had some great conversations and talked to friends I hadn't seen in a while. So, I don't know how the next while will shape up, but hopefully I will continue to get better and show up more often. I slept for about 12 hours to recuperate from church last night. I'm feeling pretty good now though.

I would also like to officially request that we buy some sort of thick drapery for the walls. We could get great colors, frame artwork over it, etc. Anything. Just, less noise bouncing off the walls. . . I suspect that if I'm having trouble with it, others might as well. Although, I also like Emily's idea of bringing earplugs and some cardboard to create my own personal soundproof room in the back. I think this would be a great way to show creativity in worship. I could even paint the cardboard fancy so I become almost a performance art piece.

Also, I must say, Cheryl shows great knowledge in the way of the ninja. They often attack when I am trying to get somewhere. This is why I am sometimes late. At other times, dinosaurs are involved, but this is confined more to family functions and the meeting of future in-laws. And, yes, Benji better be reading this.

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