Villagersonline : blogs : corwithani : happy birthday
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From: corwithani
Date: Sun Apr 19 14:07:37 EDT 2009 Subject: happy birthday

ryan: ditto! (4/19/09)
kelsea: No Subject (4/19/09)
adriennelynne: us too (4/19/09)
Laelia: Happy Birthday! (4/20/09)
Responses (sorted by date)
Laelia: Happy Birthday! (4/20/09)
adriennelynne: us too (4/19/09)
kelsea: No Subject (4/19/09)
ryan: ditto! (4/19/09)
happy birthday eric!
I am going to write some things I appreciate about you... and others can follow suit if you'd like.

I appreciate your passion for Truth, and talking about it, and discovering it, and our feeble attempts to actually live in it.

I like you and the whole Seneca house's hospitality, even though I'm sure there are nights you are sick of people or would rather have a quiet evening at home.

I appreciate your passion for basketball, and when you tried to help me figure out what to do with my girls who couldn't dribble!

I think you have the coolest hair of a pastor I know.

I like how you love your children, both of them, but what touches me is when you have your daughter on your lap and hold her close, or when you twirl her around.

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From: ryan
Date: Sun Apr 19 17:23:37 EDT 2009 Subject: ditto!

Happy birthday, Eric! Ditto all of the above. And I also enjoy your interest in board games, coffee, fondue, and beer...

Thanks also for how you diligently invest in people even when the returns aren't what you hope or desire them to be. And for being a great teacher.

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From: kelsea
Date: Sun Apr 19 17:36:31 EDT 2009 Subject:

You're a really good cook. I like how you let me eat your leftovers :D

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From: adriennelynne
Date: Sun Apr 19 18:53:17 EDT 2009 Subject: us too

Ditto to the above AND (see if you can guess which are David's and which are mine)
* letting me smoke on your porch
* the way you actively listen to my stories
* the way you discipled David and he didn't even know it. :)
* your blow up mattress
* your pizza crusts
* I appreciate how well you love your wife

Feliz cumpleanos amigo!

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