Villagersonline : blogs : andrea : a new baby for us
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From: andrea
Date: Wed Apr 22 22:56:32 EDT 2009 Subject: a new baby for us

Suki: Yee haw! (4/23/09)
andrea: stuff to church? (4/23/09)
adriennelynne: best news ever!!!! (4/23/09)
andrea: Monday!!!! (4/24/09)
Laelia: YEAH!! (4/24/09)
adriennelynne: :) (4/25/09)
kelsea: Yay! (4/25/09)
Karen: Name (4/27/09)
em: YAY!!!! (4/25/09)
rodhugen: The important thing (4/27/09)
Patricia: congratulations (4/25/09)
KeithB: So? (4/27/09)
andrea: So far. . . . (4/27/09)
Responses (sorted by date)
andrea: So far. . . . (4/27/09)
KeithB: So? (4/27/09)
Karen: Name (4/27/09)
rodhugen: The important thing (4/27/09)
Patricia: congratulations (4/25/09)
em: YAY!!!! (4/25/09)
kelsea: Yay! (4/25/09)
adriennelynne: :) (4/25/09)
Laelia: YEAH!! (4/24/09)
andrea: Monday!!!! (4/24/09)
adriennelynne: best news ever!!!! (4/23/09)
andrea: stuff to church? (4/23/09)
Suki: Yee haw! (4/23/09)
Hi is with excitement that I tell you that next week, we have a new baby coming to our home. It will be for foster care at first, but looks like it could adoption very shortly. A baby BOY! Never had one of those!!!

Anyway, anyone got a swing, car seat, sling, and other baby supplies that we have given away handy for this new addition that we can be supplied with early next week?

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From: Suki
Date: Wed Apr 22 23:50:13 EDT 2009 Subject: Yee haw!

That's so exciting!
I have a few baby things floating around yet. I'll pack them over within the next few days.

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From: andrea
Date: Thu Apr 23 00:05:34 EDT 2009 Subject: stuff to church?

Thanks Suki!

We will try to be at church on Sunday. That would be a good place to gather whatever everyone can loan. Oh, we need some clothes too...I went through our stuff and we barely have anything boyish over 3mo and I think the foster mom where the little guy is said he is growing out of the 3 mo clothes.

We are heading to Mexico on Friday as long as Ellie recovers from the flu from today ;( We'll be back on Sunday.

Thanks everyone!

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From: adriennelynne
Date: Thu Apr 23 14:02:14 EDT 2009 Subject: best news ever!!!!

I wish I could be there to welcome him in with you! Little boys are the best! I think you will find a little boy to be quite a treasure. :) I wish I was close to give you all your necessities. I know that people in the community will help you! All Bentley's clothes are in storage currently, but when we get settled I can send you some things. Although all his clothes are winterish---- I can get some at the MOM 2 MOM sale this weekend... over 3 months, eh?

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From: andrea
Date: Thu Apr 23 20:09:56 EDT 2009 Subject: Monday!!!!

Ryan, Ellie, and I just got done spending 4 hours with our new one at his current foster home. We fed him, changed him, and bathed him. He seems like a pretty easy baby so far. Got to work on him staying awake a little though so we can stretch him at night. I didn't do well with Ellie waking up all night. But at least 4 weeks of the all nights have been done for us!

He is coming home to us on Monday morning!!!

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From: adriennelynne
Date: Fri Apr 24 22:14:28 EDT 2009 Subject: :)

little tears falling down my face.

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From: Patricia
Date: Sat Apr 25 19:51:04 EDT 2009 Subject: congratulations

you can't see it right now, but I'm doing the happy-dance for you :)

- - - whew - - - I'm dizzy now

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From: KeithB
Date: Mon Apr 27 18:35:04 EDT 2009 Subject: So?

How's your day going????????

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From: andrea
Date: Mon Apr 27 18:49:14 EDT 2009 Subject: So far. . . .

Hi all...thanks for keeping us in your minds today. Yes, the little boy arrived this morning at 8:30am. We spent time at my parents home as they are going back to Kansas tomorrow. We will see them again in 2 mo.

No, we can't post his given name here or pictures as he is a foster child. However, we will call him "Ian" for the purposes of calling him something other than 'that kid'. Ian seems to have a healthy appetite and is easy going. He has played some but most of the time is sleeping as most 1 mo olds do. Ellie seems to like him. She saw pics of her 'baby brother' over the weekend at my parents (while we were in Mexico) and told everyone around his name. Today, she has said 'it's ok' as he was hungrily crying, has patted him, has attempted to play with him by whacking him in the head with the dangly toys from the bouncer seat. I figure he'll pay her back plenty some day soon! ;) She is being good and is ready for this new role as big sis.

Ellie has been sick with congestion and tummy stuff so last night was rough not sleeping, but we'll have plenty of that until 'Ian' is sleeping through the night. "Ian' is having congestion too so please pray for him. The roughest part is realizing I am so committed at work for a few more weeks so there will be even less sleep to go around. My coworker called this morning to remind me that I have a speaking engagement that has been planned for 3 mo; it never made it on my calendar so I had a freak out moment of how to juggle everything tomorrow (including where do the kids go) until Ryan decided to take a day off tomorrow to help us get all done including a doctor's visit. Thank goodness for annual leave dates still left over!

Well, that is our day so far. Ask us tomorrow when I am trying to talk coherently to a group about adoption v. CPS on little sleep!

Thanks to all for finding kiddo stuff that we needed to have quickly and for caring about us. We look forward to introducing him on Sunday to ya. Or come by for a visit Wednesday or Thursday, but please call 1st.

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