Villagersonline : blogs : adriennelynne : beautiful girl
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From: adriennelynne
Date: Tue Sep 12 06:01:17 MST 2006 Subject: beautiful girl

adriennelynne: pain (9/13/06)
Suki: No Subject (9/13/06)
adriennelynne: No Subject (9/13/06)
Responses (sorted by date)
adriennelynne: No Subject (9/13/06)
Suki: No Subject (9/13/06)
adriennelynne: pain (9/13/06)
Good morning! I think it's time for an update from the Crawford house. Obviously we received our certification and a child. She is 8. As many of you have seen, she is gorgeous and we adore her. We have no idea how long she will be with us- could be a day or two...could be awhile. We have updated our house to accomodate 2 if necessary for the future...she has a sibling who is a 3 year old boy, and we were getting ready for him, but after a bunch of phone calls and discussions we will not receive him. We are not allowed to have them share a we are ready for the next siblings--- if it comes to that. Thanks for all your prayers. You can continue to pray for her and her future...and that of her brother as well. Talk to you soon!
PS If you respond and know her name- because most of you do... please don't list it on the internet to protect her.

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From: adriennelynne
Date: Wed Sep 13 05:03:21 MST 2006 Subject: pain

Well, our beautiful girl was taken last night to live with a family member. I had a 30 minute warning. I feel so crushed. I see her things all over my house and I can hear her voice...but she isn't here. I knew she wouldn't be ours forever, but I couldn't love her any less. I have a pain in my stomach from the emptiness. I think this is the first time I have grieved over anything. It feels like the pain is never going to go away. I miss my beautiful girl. I am looking to find Jesus right now.

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From: Suki
Date: Wed Sep 13 07:58:12 MST 2006 Subject:

I'm so sorry for your loss, Adrienne.
This morning I ran across Psalm 86, and it seemed like a fitting lament:

Turn your ear to me, Lord, and hear me,
for I am poor and destitute.
Keep my life safe, for I am faithful;
O God, save your servant, who trusts in you.

Take pity upon me, O Lord,
for I call to you all the day long.
Make your servant’s heart glad,
for to you, O Lord, I have raised it.
For you, Lord, are gentle and mild:
you are kind to all those who call on you.

Let your ears hear my prayer, O Lord!
Turn to the voice of my pleading!
In my time of trouble I call on you,
for you, O Lord, will hear me.

No other god is like you, O Lord,
and nothing compares with your works.
All people – all nations you made –
will come and worship before you;
they will give glory to your name.
For you are great, you work wonders:
you alone are God.

O Lord, teach me your paths,
and I will come to your truth.
Make my heart simple and guileless,
so that it honours your name.
I will proclaim you, Lord my God,
and give you praise with all my heart.
I will give glory to your name for ever,
for your great kindness is upon me:
you have rescued me from the deepest depths.

O God, the proud rise against me,
in the meetings of the powerful they seek my life:
they do not keep you in their sight.
And you, Lord, are a God of compassion,
full of mercies, patient and true.
Look upon me, have mercy upon me,
give your strength and protection to your servant
your servant, the child of your handmaid.

Give me a sign of your goodness,
let my enemies see it and be confounded;
because you, O Lord, have helped me and given me comfort.

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From: adriennelynne
Date: Wed Sep 13 12:54:06 MST 2006 Subject:

God is amazing. That is the Psalm that God spoke to me on the prayer retreat-
Child, I am listening, I am always listening.
I listen to your pain and your suffering.
Yet through your pain I aam guarding your life, for you are min. I hear your cries child and I hear yoru joys. I have forgiven you. I always forgive you.
Child I offer you joy- I offer you hope. I offer you goodness.
I hear you in your distress. I hear your pain. I listen to your prayers, my child.
I answer you when you call on me in distress. My heart grieves with your heart. chidl, I am yours. When you call on me I am the only God who will answer you. All of your other gods leave you empty and dry.
Child, I fill you up. My promises are imcomparable.
All the nations are mine. All the heartless, powerless, painful nations are mine. They will bow down to me. They will bring glory to my name. For I will work in them adn change them, for I am God!
Chidl, I teach you my ways. I provide a refuge. Walk in my truths and I will offer you an undivided heart so that you will fear my name.
Child, I save you, I am saving you, I will save you. PRAISE AND HONOR ME FOR I LOVE YOU.
I see you in a battle. I see your heart torn. I see you in pain. I see people who hurt you because they do not care for you. They want to ruin you.
But I am compassionate and gracious. I am slow to anger and I love you.
Look to me, child, and I will give you strength I will uphold you. I will protect you.
I have offered you signs of goodness. Look at your history. Look at where I stepped in and called you by name. Your enemies see that you are protected that you will prevail. They hide in their lies and deception for they fear me.
child, I am helping you and I am comforting you and I love you.
Now I need to step in the truth of God's words.

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